Mind Springs Receives National Award for Innovation

At the 2018 CBHC Conference, Mind Springs Health received the Golden Light Bulb Award for its phased-based care program. This program was created to shorten patient wait times and improve patient outcomes.

The program, created by Mind Springs' CMO Dr. Jules Rosen, executive vice-president Michelle Hoy, and compliance vice-president David Hayden, is now receiving national attention.

The cutting-edge program is the recipient of the 2019 Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement. According to an article in the Summit Daily, "The Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Lucian Leape Institute and Taylor Healthcare established the Sherman Award in 2014 on behalf of online community and sponsor EngagingPatients.org. The award recognizes the innovative work people and organizations across the health care spectrum are doing to advance patient and family engagement."

Read More About this innovative approach to care in the Summit Daily News and The Business Times.

Congratulations to Mind Springs Health!