Register for NatCon20 Today!

Welcome to NatCon20, the largest conference in behavioral health care and your destination for next-level learning, peer-to-peer engagement and high-octane entertainment.

This year, we will embrace what makes us unique, celebrate what unites us and paint a portrait of progress. What can you expect?

  • Tailored curriculum for organizations of all sizes.
  • Top-notch programming for practice improvement and making change stick.
  • World-renowned speakers including bestselling author Brené Brown, Ph.D.
  • Dynamic sessions on trending topics like mass violence and the effects of trauma on migrant children.
  • New activities like the NatCon Technology Shark Tank, CEO bootcamp and “Hackathon.”

NatCon20 is an exclusive invitation to boost your abilities – and your bottom line – alongside more than 6,000 of yours peers. Join us Sunday, April 5 – Tuesday, April 7 for a front-row seat to the future of health care.

***If you are a member of CBHC, please contact Natalie Strom at for a discount to the conference. This discount IS NOT retroactive.