Thank you to those who attended this year's conference! We look forward to seeing you all again in 2022!

CBHC Holds the Largest Behavioral Health Conference in the State of Colorado

Each year, hundreds of behavioral health specialists, members of the state and criminal justice system, physical health providers, and university students attend CHBC’s annual behavioral health conference. The conference focuses on best clinical and business practices in behavioral health.

Specific topics include:

  • Mental health
  • Substance use disorders
  • Social determinants of health
  • Colorado and National guidelines

Conference participants earn continuing education credits, and they experience exceptional training in camaraderie with other attendees. We welcome anyone with interest in the behavioral health field to attend CBHC’s annual conference.

Registration Prices

  • $475 Full Conference
  • $350 Two Day Only
  • $125 #1 Pre-Con: Managing Time
  • $50 #2 Pre-Con: Boosting Wellbeing
  • CBHC 2021 Conference Policies for COVID-19

    CBHC recognizes that the safety of all of those at our annual behavioral health training conference is our top priority. Our commitment to all COVID-19 Policies is to monitor local, state, and federal guidelines. Please review the current CBHC conference COVID-19 policies and the safety guidelines for Beaver Run employees below. We also ask that you review the CBHC Conference Attendance Waiver which all guests will be required to sign. You may download it here and bring it to the conference or sign it upon your arrival.

    Conference Policies

    Beaver Run Employee Guidelines

    CBHC Conference Attendance Waiver


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    Golden Abacus & Golden Light Bulb Award Nominations

    Meet our Keynotes

    Johann Hari

    Lost Connections "Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions"

    Drawing on international research and diverse studies, Johann Hari’s latest book Lost Connections proposes a simple but radical premise: as depression and anxiety rates rise around the world, maybe we need to look at the causes of mental illness beyond our own brains. His previous book, Chasing the Scream, similarly penetrated our beliefs surrounding addiction. As he persuasively shows audiences, the cure is in solving systemic problems of isolation and poverty—and working towards making people feel they belong, are valued, skilled, and with a secure future. Hari’s is a campaign of human connection.

    Lesley Brooks, M.D.

    Community Mental Health: 'The Future of the Movement’

    Dr. Brooks is a family medicine physician who recently began work in a Community Mental Health Center overseeing a program expansion and more deeply developing their MAT program for substance abuse services. Dr. Brooks was immediately struck by the different rules, policies, and processes a CMHC must operate under as compared to her experience as a family practice physician working in a physical health care setting. It led her to examine how these differences contribute to stigma as well as create barriers for minority and marginalized populations to engage in behavioral health care. Dr. Brooks offers some recommendations for consideration to improve the behavioral health care system and expand its reach to marginalized and minority populations.

    View 2020's conference

    View 2019's conference